Whirl is an female Autobot and new Rescue Bot who only appeared in Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy.
Whirl is the first recruit to greet Hot Shot and to introduce in the group. She aspires to be a Rescue Bot police officer like Chase. She is into Earth culture. Whirl got new rotors on her arms, and though the initial test went horribly wrong, she and the other recruits enlisted the help of Boulder and Hoist eventually perfected the tools. When Blades was summoned to the academy to help Hot Shot perfect his flying, Whirl enthusiastically volunteered to take part as well and later took part in a rescue in Griffin Rock during which Hot Shot put the lessons into practice. Whirl enthusiastically memorized all of the police codes Chase was teaching the recruits, and as a result, when the other recruits persuaded Chase to let them try a rescue and instead got stuck in the snow, Whirl was able to rescue them. When Hoist was put in charge of a rescue exercise, Whirl was the only one who actually followed any of his orders and ended up dangling over a chasm with Hot Shot, Wedge and Medix dangling from her until Hoist successfully rescued them. Whirl and the other recruits set up a surprise rescue mission for Medix, who didn't get the appeal of surprises. The Sparksayer gifted Whirl with a polyvisor which she put to good use during a volcano rescue. With her new Mul-T-Cog,Whirl is able to transform into a new car mode,courtesy of Chase. She grows a friendship with Scorch. Eventually after Medix has trouble with his new helicopter mode,Whirl insisted on guiding him,although she was jealous at first for finding out she isn't the only flyer in the group as for now. Her mentor is Chase. Her love interest is hotshot she has a crush on him and hotshot also has crush on her but they just wont admit it to each other
Rescue Bots Academy Season 1[]
Rescue Bots Academy Season 2[]
Relationships hoist[]
in many of the episodes it is seen that whirl in joys hoists presents
- This is the first time Whirl is portrayed as a female.
- Her concept art features a different design much more likely based on her G1 counterpart.
- Whirl pointed out that Wedge was Wes' favorite Rescue Bot.
- Inspired by Blades, Whirl took it upon herself to get into cheerleading.
- She is the only femme Recruit
- In the episode "About a Rock", there is a hand-drawn picture of her and MTMTE Whirl on a locker.
- In the season 2 episode "Museum Mystery" there is a scene where Chase and Whirl confront Evan and Miles in their garage lab. In the background there is a drawing of Hoist and Whirl in the background. The Cybertronian translation around the image is as follows: "Heart of Cybertron".
- The first hug ever shown in the show was between Whirl and Hoist although unexpected by Whirl. This is shown in the Season 1 episode "Whirl'd View".
- In the very first episode of Season 2, Whirl is comforted by Hoist after not believing in herself after a series of tests.
- Whirl is among several characters that are namesakes of preexisting characters within the Aligned Continuity.
- Whirl was the 2nd Recruit who stayed behind during their Year 2 Graduation Party.
- Whirl has the 2nd most screentime behind Hotshot infront of Medix.
- Whirl has the most appearences in Episodes with 76, followed up by Medix with 75 and Hotshot with 74 while Hoist and Wedge tied with 72 each.
- Whirl was the Original Flyer of the Rescue bot recruits.
- Whirl is the most cheerful, hard-working and energetic among the recruits.
- Whirl is the 2nd ever recruit to accept Scorch other than Hotshot.
- Whirl helps the Flyer bots that came after her even after some jelousy especially with Medix.
- Whirl is the only Police bot and Detective of the group
- Whirl and Hotshot have the most screentime as duos without any humans animals or Other bots around them with a total of around 1 hour screentime.
- Whirl helped Hotshot with his Statue to thank their professors with nanomaterials that were also used to make the Mano E Nano.
- Whirl gave Hotshot the most intentional hugs with 2 both in Season 1 Final while followed by Hoist with 1 with Season 2 1st episode
- most cheerful, helpful, caring, loving, heart-warming, anxious, brave and exciting recruit.