Transformers Rescuebots Wiki
Welcome to the Transformers: Rescuebots Wiki!
Transformers: Rescue Bots Wiki Is a growing encyclopedia for the series: Transformers Rescue Bots along with the Toys, and other trademarks. As of February 2025, we are taking care of 825, and will appreciate it if you would help us make more.
You are free to help us with editing of the pages, and you are also welcome to join us and help us expand this wiki. If you need any help or have any questions, please ask one of the Admins!! Also, if you want to visit a wiki about the Aligned Continuity of Transformers, visit Transformers: Prime Wiki! Happy Editing, and Enjoy
Optimus Prime
Rescue Bots Presentation-Family of Heroes
Transformers-Rescue Bots
Transformers Prime logo

Meet the leader of the Autobots!

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See the First Episode

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There will be a Second Season

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Optimus Prime
Rescue Bots Presentation-Family of Heroes
Transformers-Rescue Bots
Transformers Prime logo


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This wiki was created on the 4th of September, in 2012.
