Transformers Rescuebots Wiki

When Hoist goes prospecting in the hope of striking energon, he finds that rickety old mines are not built for Bots, especially big scary Dinobots.

Notes and trivia:[]

  • Grimlock and Hoist's previous mission with the two Dinobots took place back in "Mission Dinobot".
  • In the above conversation with Hoist, Grimlock briefly has a "voice circuit problem" that gives him the "Me Grimlock" speech pattern of G1 Grimlock.
  • Unlike other appearances in the Aligned Continuity thus far, the Energon in the mine is pink, akin to its appearance in the G1 cartoon. Maybe it just comes in more colors than blue. It wouldn't be the first time.
  • Grimlock is referred to as the Dinobots' leader, as versions of him have been in previous continuities.
  • Hoist uses a torch-claw-contraption that requires the activation code "Power up and Energize", a type of tool that was first seen in the Rescue Bots cartoon. The tool itself is based on the light-up armature that comes with his "Command Center" toy.