Transformers Rescuebots Wiki
Perceptor Need to know

When Wedge and Bumblebee go on a rescue mission to save families of rock creatures from a meteor shower, they need help from Cybertron, in the form of Perceptor.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Wedge previously encountered one of the rock creatures in "About a Rock".
  • The Aligned version of Perceptor has previously been shown to has been part of the Ark's crew, featuring in the Fall of Cybertron game and novels Exiles and Retribution. More specifically to the cartoon world, he was given a shout-out in the Transformers: Prime episode "T.M.I." and noted to have been blacklisted by the High Council in the Robots in Disguise episode "Enemy of My Enemy".
  • Perceptor has a similar design and the same voice actor (Jeremy Levy) as his Transformers: Cyberverse counterpart.
  • Despite not being a faculty member at the moment of introduction, Perceptor already appears with a Rescue Bot insignia on his chest.


Spoiler Warning: It starts at the academy with the recruits in a library simulation studying. Wedge is bored. Bumblebee comes and tells Wedge to come with him to the sigma to go to space and rescue some rock creatures. Wedge plans about flying their homes away from the meteors but there's a little problem,so Bumblebee says it's time to call someone from Cybertron then a space bridge opens in the sigma and out of the spacebridge comes Perceptor. Perceptor uses math to help pull of wedge's whole blasting plan then Wedge realizes why he shouldn't have been so mean about math. The 3 return to the academy in the sigma where the recruits forget the rules on how to play roll the dice. Wedge tells them to meet Perceptor and tells them that Perceptor is now their new science and math teacher.
