After a smug string of handing out sage advice to his fellow Bots, Medix is now faced with the dilemma of having to listen to his own "simple" words of wisdom. Wrestling over his own words, he finds out that doing the right thing isn't always easy.
Notes and trivia:[]
- Medix's reminder of when Hot Shot "borrowed" Grimlock's Cube is a reference to the events of "Trouble Cubed".
- Medix stated that he and Ratchet would work on the restoration of the old Cybertronian ship that Hoist and the Dinobots found back in ''Mission Dinobot'',meaning the episode takes place before ''The Vault of the Primes''.
- when wedges chores are “done” and medix sees that he place all the stuff into containers among the mess is an object that looks like the allspark