Transformers Rescuebots Wiki

"Ghost in the machine" is a Season 4 episode of the series 'Transformers - Rescue Bots'. It is the 7th written and produced episode of Season 4. It is also the 81st written and produced episode of the series, overall.


The rescue team is preparing to celebrate "Earliween", a Halloween-like celebration set at a warmer time of the year so that it's possible to see the kids' costumes. Suddenly, Quickshadow calls in to report that two humans are trying to steal her - apparently Evan and Myles have escaped from jail. Before the team arrives, Quickshadow manages to break herself free using her spy movie gadgets; Evan and Myles run a thermal scan as she's escaping, discover that there's nobody inside, and conclude that she's a self-driving car with a really impressive security system. Before they can get any further, the rescue team shows up, and they're forced to flee the scene. Quickshadow got a picture of Evan and Myles, and the rescue team recognize them immediately when she shows them the picture. Kade comments that they probably thought she was the car from the Maven Danger movies and worth millions, which she's somewhat offended by. Heatwave asks why she has came over to which Quickshadow replied that she thought if he was missing her but Chief Burns explains that he asked her to come help with Earliween security. Heatwave suggests guarding Quickshadow until Evan and Myles are captured .

Later that day, Blades is trying to decide on a costume when Cody arrives to tell everyone about his history class, in which his teacher let them listen to "Crustaceans from the Cosmos", a radio show which apparently freaked everyone out when it originally aired 70 years ago. The team leaves to head downtown to hand out candy, and Cody hitches a ride in Quickshadow. Evan and Myles manage to sneak a remote control device onto her as she passes over a manhole, and promptly take control of her to steer her towards the piers. The rescue team follow her, with Chase leading; Myles takes great enjoyment in being a really incredibly terrible driver, which keeps the team from catching up with her. He also has use of all the spy gadgets, including net launchers and oil slicks.

The team doesn't manage to keep Quickshadow from making it into the water, and Myles forces her into her aquatic transformation and sails out. Every member of the team except for Chase and Graham head out into the ocean; Chase and Graham, left with nothing else to do, go to dispense candy. Cody concludes that there must be something physically attached to her. Boulder, being carried by Blades, grabs Quickshadow; Cody manages to open a door and jump into Heatwave, and Quickshadow tells Boulder to drop her over a rock. The others knew that it could hurt her but they couldn't stand a chance against her forcing. She transforms in midair, finds the device, and lands in a way that scrapes it off. Evan and Myles manage to get video of her talking afterwards.

Blades is all ready to go to the party when Cody notices an out-of-place pumpkin, which promptly starts showing a transmission from Evan and Myles. They have video proof that the Cybertronians are real, and are threatening to upload it to the Internet unless the rescue team hands over Quickshadow within an hour. Boulder suggests that they just publicly announce that they're aliens; when the others object to this, he comes up with the idea of making an obviously fake video which will discredit Evan and Myles. The citizens are more than willing to help, viewing it as a nice Earliween prank.

An hour later, Quickshadow arrives to surrender herself to Evan and Myles. They get into her, but the seatbelts immediately restrain them and lock into place. Myles reveals that their video has already been uploaded, but Quickshadow counters with their own video, which is transparently and hilariously fake, even before the bit at the end where it's outright "revealed" as one. She opens the door to the human members of the team, who sadly say that they're definitely delusional. Chief Burns says that he and Chase will accompany Quickshadow on the ferry to the mainland, where Evan and Myles will go back to jail for a long time.


  • "What are you doing here anyway?" - Heatwave
    "I thought perhaps you missed me, Heatwave." - Quickshadow
  • "But why did Evan & Miles decide to target Quick Shadow? - Graham
    "Duh, Because she's a movie car!" - Kade
    "I have told you before I'm not in the cinema. I merely that car for my Vehicle mode." - Quickshadow
  • "As the only two members of the rescue team on dry land, it falls on us to handle any emergencies. Candy and justice do not dispense themselves." - Chase
  • "There it is....... and There it goes" - Quickshadow
    "Huh, Good Thinking. Gotta Admit, Impressive Stuff" - Heatwave
    "You should see me on a good day." - Quickshadow

