Cree Summer (born Cree Summer Francks on July 7, 1969) is an American voice actress, and one of the most prolific in the business. She is best known for roles such as the original voice of Penny on Inspector Gadget, Elmyra on Tiny Toons, Hyena on Gargoyles, Susie Charmichael on Rugrats and All Grown Up, Princess Kida in Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Foxxy Love on Drawn Together, Numbuh 5 on Codename Kids Next Door, Blackarachnia in transformers animated, Roller Brawl and her superchargers counterpart in Skylanders, Ace on Dinotrux and as the voice of the Green M&M. She also voiced Medusa from Kid Icarus Uprising, an awesome game that no one plays. She also provided the voice of Haggar in the 2016 Voltron: Legendary Defender.
In non-cartoon roles, she was "Freddie" on A Different World for four seasons, released an album with friend Lenny Kravitz, and voiced Kermit the Frog's mother in Kermit's Swamp Years.