Transformers Rescuebots Wiki
Transformers Rescuebots Wiki

Cody Burns is the youngest son of Ash.And he later died in an alternate universe


Cody is in good to excellent shape for a boy his age. He is very physically active, and has shown considerable talent in both throwing and use of a slingshot. He is also a very bright individual, able to use deductive reasoning to find patterns that others do not. Despite his level headed nature, he is still young and has a thirst to prove himself to his family, sometimes resulting in him putting himself in unnecessary danger.

He also appears in Rescue Bots Academy, teaching the recruits and often gives them advices and lessons.



Cody Burns is an 10-year old boy and later on in season 4 he is 14-15 (in rescue bots academy he is older), and the most mature of the family next to his father. It was him who first discovered the truth about the Rescue Bots, and also the one who had to convince his siblings to work with the Rescue Bots. After proving his worth in coordinating a rescue, he was made the communications operative. It is presumed Frankie and Cody are the same age, with Frankie being a little older as seen in a season 1 episode.

Pre-Rescue Bots[]

Season 1 Rescue Bots[]

Season 2 Rescue Bots[]

Season 3 Rescue Bots[]

Season 4 Rescue Bots[]

Season 1 Rescue Bots Academy[]

Season 2 Rescue Bots Academy[]


Cody is a helpful, polite boy. Whenever the others need help, Cody is always there. His best friend is Frankie, who is the daughter of Griffin Rock's head-scientist Doc Greene. His father called him tenacious meaning he shows persistence.
